Sheffield Volleyball Club - Sitting Volleyball | Every Body Moves

Sheffield Volleyball Club - Sitting Volleyball

Sports category:

Handball Sports


Sitting volleyball has grown to be one of the more popular Paralympic sports due to the fast and exciting action. At club level, the game offers both disabled and non-disabled players the opportunity to compete both with and against each other

Club features

Impairment types:

Physical impairment

Activity format:

Team based

Availiable sessions:

Mixed gender


All Saints Sports Centre
Norfolk Park Road
S2 2RU
United Kingdom

Telephone number:

07881 731815

Email address:

Attending the club:

Varies but normally no more than £4/session

When we meet:

No specific dates at present


Basic sports hall wear. Shorts, shirts and traiuners

Accessibility Information:

None known

Sheffield Volleyball Club - Sitting Volleyball online

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