LimbPower Games | Every Body Moves

LimbPower Games

Sports category:

Target Sports
Cycling Sports
Football Sports
Endurance Sports
Wheelchair Sports
Fitness Activities
Water Sports
Racket Sports
Handball Sports


The LimbPower Games is designed to guide and support new amputees and individuals with limb impairments and individuals new to physical activity and sport to take part in sport and reap the physical, psychological and social benefits. Among the sports on offer this year are: Athletics (track & field), cycling, archery, tennis, badminton, swimming, shooting, Wheelchair basketball, cricket, sitting volleyball, football and a climbing wall.

Club features

Impairment types:

Physical impairment

Activity format:


Availiable sessions:

LimbPower Games logo


Stoke Mandeville Stadium
Guttmann Rd,
HP21 9PP
United Kingdom

Telephone number:

07503 030702

Email address:

Attending the club:


When we meet:

This is an annual event

Is there a specific meeting point at the address:



No, all equipment is provided

Accessibility Information:


LimbPower Games online

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